my lil baby enjoyin lyke asif he's all ALONE ;) muacks . ` `
we had fun tho counting the minutes down to 12 when we were on da train heading back to simei .. hmm,, i went ovr to center pt n waited for baby tu knocked off whn 11 reaches n he onie come out @ onie 1120 which means ive gotto wait 4 an xtra 20mins n tts reallllly long cos many indians were walking here n dere staring lyke some fcuks which i felt so damn it larrr~
dar gaf mi many hugs&kisses which added quite alot more xcitement 2 it=/ hhaah n dar say im pretty tt nyte n that mks mi go even lala-ing . hahaha. didnt squeezed w dose indians or othrs cos we literally rushed la.dar hated da spray n stuff cos tat wil mk us stinked. hwever i feel
its okie cos its CHRISTMAS season n we dont hv tt everyday larh. ~
Anyway darling replaced fruitfloat wif icecreams larhh . i didnt had icecream bt had mu-chee?! instead. spelled this way? okay nvm. i had fun over all~
stayed ova ad his house n reached home 10+ on d 25th n dere i goes MERRYCHRISTMAS-ing ((:
going over to darling house for dinner when he comes bck from work..
PS:waiting is not very romantic larrrr~
continue .. MERRY CHRISTMAS((:
8+ went ovr to his place tu hv dinner den stayed over ad his plc again.. had shots taken. he was oso playing maple..

anw.. on de 26th we had a big quarrel. hai i cant blame him but myself . im sucha fucked up bitch. really. i swear. sigh.
i dont fuckn hell geddit.why do i myself tohhongping hv tu destroy everything.
im sorry baby ; i promise i wont dissapoint eu anymore.i;ll b yr perfect darling;(
i missyou soo mcuh now. ;'(